Winter Fuel Payment - Heating Allowance | ߣÍÃÊÓƵ


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Winter Fuel Payment

If you were born on or before 22 September 1958, you could be eligible for an annual payment to help you with heating costs during the colder months.

What is Winter Fuel Payment?

Winter Fuel Payment is an annual tax-free payment for households that include someone born on or before 22 September 1958 (for 2024-25). It's designed to help you cover your heating costs in winter.

How much Winter Fuel Payment could I get?

If you were born on or before 22 September 1958, you could get up to £300 to help with your bills in winter this year. The exact amount depends on your age and whether other people in your household also qualify.

You’ll usually get a smaller payment if you live in a care home or nursing home.

You're not entitled to Winter Fuel Payment if you live in a care home or nursing home and claim either Pension Credit, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance or income-related Employment and Support Allowance.

Am I eligible for Winter Fuel Payment?

If you were born on or before 22 September 1958, you're likely to qualify for a Winter Fuel Payment in the winter of 2024-25, as long as you were living in the UK during the qualifying week.

The qualifying week is the week beginning from the 3rd Monday in September.

Are you entitled to extra money?

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How to claim Winter Fuel Payment

If you've received it before, you should get your Winter Fuel Payment automatically this year.

If you claim State Pension or another social security benefit (not including Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support, Child Benefit, Universal Credit or a deferred State Pension), you should also be paid automatically.

If you don't receive these benefits – or you live abroad – and you're eligible for Winter Fuel Payment, you might need to make a claim directly to receive your payment.

Call the Winter Fuel Payment helpline on 0800 731 0160 to get started. You'll need your National Insurance number and your bank or building society details to hand.

Phone icon We're here to help

We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local ߣÍÃÊÓƵs.

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Last updated: May 23 2024

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